Our money issues are rooted in our sexuality

We can have money and still feel unworthy, unsatisfied, not enough.

We can have money and still search for "that something missing".

We can "make money" and still feel powerless when it comes to relationships, love and sense of life purpose.

We can work, work, work for money and feel like "energetical sluts". Always available for work, always dominated by the "need to make money, the need to have more".

No matter the amount we have in our accounts, our sense of worthiness is not rooted there.

We can have lots of money and still be unhappy in relationships, still be manipulated, still cheat or be cheated on...

Money simply amplify who we think we are, think we should be and do..

Money amplify who we ARE.

And who we ARE is our sexual energy. This is our CORE.

Unless we heal this - both our generational sexual trauma and our own sexuality - we will constantly feel powerless, like something is missing. Not enough.

Money is rooted in our sexuality.

The need to dominate, show off, perform, prove that we can, that we are worthy, that we are better, the need to hide our true self, cheat..is rooted in our sexuality.

What I found in 8 years of coaching cancer patients, healthy humans, managers, entrepreneurs, VIPs etc is that our balance is rooted in the way we heal and rewrite our sexuality and relationship with money.

Making money is masculine energy, provider money.

Receiving money is feminine energy, magic money.

Most humans know ONLY provider money.

Learn to become your original self as you heal.

Love & money & sexuality & power,



Sharing our emotions with each other is an act of profound intimacy


What is Self Love?