Your body is your Connection Center

Remember you are connected to all that is because 97% of our bodies are made of stardust.

Elements like hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, and oxygen are all formed in the bellies of stars. These same elements combine to form molecules like adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine (the nucleotides in our DNA). In this way, our DNA is made of stardust.

This is why the electromagnetic fields of planets such as Mercury, Neptune, Pluto can influence our electromagnetic fields.

So, indeed elements of our bodies were once in the bellies of stars.

You have water behavior: cry, adapt, cleanse, flow, let go.

You have fire behavior: burn, tame, adapt, ignite, warm, melt.

You have air behavior: observe, travel, breathe, gather, allow.

You have earth behavior: grow, ground, produce, offer, build, protect.

Yet you are also Spirit, the unseen element behavior: connect, listen, become, be timeless.

A new baby was born into my world today. While he was being born, I felt called to walk the fields and pick these beautiful flowers.

Decided I will name them Royalties. To remember that the day he was born, the fields were full with light gold in the summer breeze.

Welcome little one! 🤎

Remember you are stardust. You were once the belly of a star, traveled to your mother's womb where she has alchemized your transformation into a human being.

So grateful to have been part of your story.

Love & baby,



Working on a dream is never easy


Sharing our emotions with each other is an act of profound intimacy